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Baechtold, Anna Katherine

June 18, 2024

Anna Baechtold is an MPP student with a concentration in the Environment and Human Welfare. Anna is from Asheville, North Carolina and received a BA in both Public Policy and Art History from UNC Chapel Hill in May 2024. During … Read more

Forrestal, Megan

June 17, 2024

Megan Forrestal is a Master of Public Policy candidate in the 2025 cohort. She is pursuing Track B with a concentration in Environmental Justice and Global Cooperation, exploring issues that merge environmental sustainability, human well-being, and developmental policies. Before pursuing … Read more

Clarkson, Sophie

June 17, 2024

Growing up in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Sophie Clarkson initially came to UNC to earn her B.A in Political Science to fulfill her interest in how both federal and local elections shape people’s lived experiences. The logical next step was … Read more

Belvin, Payton

June 14, 2024

Payton Belvin is a student in the Master of Public Policy class of 2025 cohort on the policy design and innovation track. For her MPP summer internship, she worked full-time as a policy intern for the Ranked Choice Voting Resource … Read more