Joshua Preiss
Joshua Preiss is Teaching Associate Professor of Public Policy and a Core Faculty Member in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to coming to Chapel Hill, he was Professor of Philosophy and Director of PPE at Minnesota State University, Mankato. For 2016-2017 Preiss was Visiting Associate Professor and Scholar-in-Residence at the Political Theory Project at Brown University. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Chicago.
Josh’s research and teaching is in ethics, politics, and public policy. Particular areas of interest include (1) justice and the future of work (2) freedom and markets (3) political economy, and (4) ethics and economics. His 2021 book Just Work for All: The American Dream in the 21st Century is about the theory and practice of justice in a time of rising inequality and declining hope for a better future. In his review of the book, Dani Rodrik, the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard University, writes “Preiss argues convincingly for putting the principle of just work at the forefront of our policy debates. This is an excellent book that weaves philosophy, economics, and politics together masterfully.”
Other examples of Josh’s work can be found in journals such as the European Journal of Political Theory, Philosophy & Social Criticism, and Business Ethics Quarterly, and in a number of recent and forthcoming collections, such as The Philosophy of Money and Finance: An Anthology (Oxford) The Routledge Handbook on the American Dream, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Work, The Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics, and The Cambridge Handbook on the Economics of Global Value Chains. This work, like Josh’s teaching, addresses ongoing debates in numerous domains of public policy, including financial regulation, trade, labor market, childcare, education, and environmental policy. His current book project is on the Ethics of Industrial Policy.