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Summer School 2023

March 10, 2023

Public Policy offers several summer school classes this year.  Click to see the schedule!


U.S. Health Policy Class “People’s Choice” Podcast Winner Announced

January 26, 2023

For the Public Policy’s U.S. Health Policy (PLCY 361) class podcast project, student teams researched policies relevant to contemporary health and health care issues in the United States.


Professor Fenaba Addo publishes “A Dream Defaulted: the Student Loan Crisis Among Black Borrowers”

November 4, 2022

The book, offering a deft analysis of the growing financial crisis in education, explores how the student loan crisis disproportionately affects Black borrowers and why rising student debt is both a cause and consequence of social inequality in the United States.


Professors Cassandra Davis and Iheoma Iruka invited to Society for Research Development

September 12, 2022

The two have been invited to attend the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, the premier professional organization for researchers focused on child development.


Professor Iheoma Iruka Wins American Psychological Association’s 2022 Mid-Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to Benefit Children, Youth and Families

August 17, 2022

The award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions in science, policy, and practice that benefit the psychological functioning or well-being of children, youth, and families. Professor Iruka is thrilled and honored to have been selected.


“In Texas and beyond, conservative Republican women are helping lead the fight to restrict abortion” by Professor Rebecca Kreitzer

June 15, 2022

In the piece published in the Monkey Cage of the Washington Post, Professor Kreitzer and colleagues highlight the role of Republican women in the abortion debate.


Professor Cassandra Davis’ Coastal Resilience Center Research Team Publishes Report

May 15, 2022

Support Strategies for Socially Marginalized Neighborhoods Likely Impacted by Natural Hazards explores the disproportionate impacts of federal mitigation assistance on socially marginalized groups and under-resourced neighborhoods.


Highlighting UNC Public Policy Alum Research

April 1, 2022

Abigail Holdsclaw ’21 made use of a rich data source housed at the Environmental Finance Center in the School of Government to understand the disparities in water affordability in North Carolina.


Former NC Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Mandy Cohen to deliver Lambeth Lecture

March 1, 2022

Please join UNC Public Policy for the 13th annual Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Lecture in Public Policy on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 5pm in Hill Hall. (Ethan Hyman/The News & Observer via AP)


Professor Steve Hemelt Emphasizes the Importance of Teacher Assistants

February 15, 2022

In a Brookings article, Professor Hemelt and colleagues address the essential function of teacher assistants as the education system manages the challenges of COVID disruptions.


Professor Ashu Handa named co-director of the African Studies Center

January 15, 2022

Professor Handa will help guide the center in its mission to sustain and strengthen teaching of African languages and to promote research, academic opportunities and artistic exchange related to the African continent.


Professor Carmen Gutierrez Interviewed on “Pod Save the People” Podcast

December 3, 2021

Professor Gutierrez speaks about health insurance complications for previously incarcerated persons (about minute 36).


U.S. Health Policy Class “People’s Choice” Podcast Winner Announced

December 2, 2021

For the Public Policy’s U.S. Health Policy class podcast project, student teams researched policies relevant to contemporary health and health care issues in the United States. Congratulations to Callan Hazeldine, Zainab Maniya, Lily Lehman, and Tejaswi Siripurapu for their award-winning podcast on the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansion!


Capstone Students Make Impact

August 28, 2021

Public Policy students presented recommendations to the Rocky Mount City Council based on their capstone project, encouraging the council to leverage a community land trust to help create accessible and affordable housing and increase homeownership rates locally.


PILOT21 (Policy Innovation Leaders for Tomorrow 2021) project announced

August 27, 2021

NCSU’s Institute for Emerging Issues will be working with students from nine North Carolina universities to identify a big issue they want to think about, develop policies for, and seek opportunities to share their ideas with state and local leaders.