UNC Public Policy Major Rachel Jones Awarded 2021 Weaver-James-Corrigan Postgraduate Scholarship Award
Rachel is one of only three Tar Heels receiving the award for ACC student-athletes intending to pursue graduate school.
Rachel is one of only three Tar Heels receiving the award for ACC student-athletes intending to pursue graduate school.
Durham is proposing a pilot project to provide formerly incarcerated individuals with $500 per month, one example of a basic income policy. Professor MacKay discusses various aspects of UBI along with a colleague from UNC’s philosophy, politics & economics program in The Well.
Appearing in Educational Researcher, their research shows that parents with children who struggled with distance learning experience elevated levels of mental distress.
The nine-credit program, co-sponsored by UNC Public Policy, will launch in spring 2021, teaching design thinking skills for solving complex problems across diverse fields of research and practice.
Professor Rebecca Kreitzer’s research shows that standard evaluations don’t measure teaching well and can be biased against already marginalized faculty. “This research is some of the work I’m most proud of because it has such direct policy relevance. In this paper, we make 6 policy recommendations on how to improve SETs that are easy to implement and have the potential to make a big impact for a lot of people,” she said.
Hanna Huffstetler, Tamira Daniely, Hannah Rice, and Nikky Soni worked with Professor Meier on the piece which examines health and human rights through the lens of the current pandemic. From the publication: “The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an important opportunity to cultivate a practice of human rights advocacy, but these skills will serve us beyond the current moment and remain important for the rest of our lives.”
The Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) awarded the prestigious fellowship to just 20 students this year, with the goal of introducing recipients to the world of public policy and APPAM and foster a lifelong affiliation and engagement with both.
A very warm congratulations to Sarah, who plans to study for a MPhil in Social Policy and Intervention at Oxford
In an interview with UNC’s “The Well,” Professor MacKay addresses the politicized issue of mask wearing from an ethical standpoint.
A group of recent graduates analyzed current data and presented their findings at a Zoom press conference with support from UNC Public Policy. A recording of the conference and detailed data are linked on this website.